Hawthorn Berry Spagyric Tincture


Energetics: slightly moist, neutral temperature, sweet

Used to move blood, lower blood pressure, and considered medicine for the heart.

Actions: antiarrhythmic, antioxidant, nutritive, cardiotonic, cardioprotective, trophorestorative for the heart

Hawthorn Berry (Crataegus Spp.) is recognized for promoting cardiovascular health and overall well-being. Hawthorn Berry contains a range of beneficial compounds such as quercetin, hyperoside phenolic, and procyanidins. These phytochemicals are found to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cardio-protective effects. They promote blood vessel dilation, improve blood flow, and regulate blood pressure. Hawthorn Berry may have positive effects on cardiac function and aiding in lowering systolic blood pressure. It may help mend a broken heart and increase emotional wellbeing.

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